Cool Story But ...
2:54 PM
With all that's happened in December, I am more than happy to bid 2012 goodbye. Not in the Doomsday way of course ... I'm just happy to leave it behind. I've gotten a lot better at handling new situations though thanks to ... well me :) So here's what I got up to (in short ... bullet points)
- Got a new camera lens for my 450D and 350D's :D (no those aren't boob sizes)
- Got my car fixed and rid of bumps and dents. The air conditioner is freezing.
- Got an increment at work. Woot!
- Got to see Above&Beyond in Thirst2012
- Got tickets to see Armin Van Buuren in March
- Planned a trip to Delhi with Zana and some other gym mates. But I'm still considering Karachi.
- Put up our new tree for 2012
- Watched an incredible movie which made my year.
- Got into a relationship which ended up really messy. So it ended. :)
- Lost a little bit of weight after having put on some. Woot!
- Travelled a little bit. Domestically.
- Had way too many inside jokes with some close friends.
- Got into a lot of silly predicaments mainly because of alcohol/boredom/curiosity
- But then after being a nervous wreck about things, I've learned to just slow down and take life by it's horns and take it a little easy and not be too uptight about it :)
And I've missed people badly. Gone to bed in tears, to wake up wondering why I feel more tired than ever. But it's helped me in reflecting my journey. I feel better now. I'm getting used to it. I work, design, gym, dance, have dinner, the occasional shisha, meet friends old and new ... over and over. Sometimes it gives you a pleasant surprise that people aren't so bad. You just need to decide carefully who you extend your hand out to :)
Here's to a better 2013!