8:52 PM

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2013 is here :)

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At dance class :D

Happy New Year :) It's finally here. 2013. A new chapter and a new chance to reinvent myself. Learn from old mistakes and make less of them. Lose more weight for health purposes and to just be a more complete all rounded individual! :D

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New Years Celebration with Hassan, Mujtaba, Ammar, and Zain (not pictured: Noman) at The Venue, KL
It was a good start to the year (so far). Work's moving along smoothly, dance is going well, gym is consistent and best of all, I'm as free as a bird to enjoy life to it's fullest. I've met a lot of nice people and have been really happy with my surroundings and the company I associate myself with, even if it's just for a day or for a long term friendship. I'm pretty optimistic for the rest of the month to see how things flow.

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Me and Zana at Bollywood Dance
So with that, I'm hopeful! BRING ON 2013!

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