
11:31 AM

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I'm glad we met. Glad I found you at the right place, and the right time. Glad we have mutual friends. Glad we share a common goal. Glad you're not an asshole or a player. Glad we have feelings for each other but we keep it platonic. Glad you understand I don't want a relationship or a commitment I can't handle. Glad you held me as I cried. You looked me right in my eyes and smiled. That's all. You told me it'll be alright. Things happen, things pass, and we become better versions of ourselves with time. You let me look as ugly as I could be right after being insulted by people whom I had once respected. You told me to ignore it and held me close, put my feet on your thighs and held me tight. You led me to the bedroom and let me sleep the night. You told me everything would be fine. You wiped the tears off and smiled again. I thanked you. I curled into a ball and cried silently into the pillow. I woke up the next morning feeling better and saw you sleeping next to me with a bunch of tissues in your hand. Thank you. I'm glad we met ages ago.

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  1. Let me guess ¿Your best friend? It tends to happen, however: loved your deepness.

  2. Hmm, not really my best friend but one of two of my closests friends :) Thanks love.
