Reunions and New Experiences

12:03 AM

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That would be the 4 of us at the same table after what must be months of being apart. Mei Anne was down from Singapore for CNY and it was Nisha's birthday. I was so happy I got to see the girls as a collective group after all this time. We met up at Empire Subang for a luncheon/tea at some Thai restaurant (the name escapes me right now) and fooled around till we had to leave. It was awesome goofing off as we usually would.

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And these would be my dates for Valentines Day. If you can't beat em, join em right? Zana was with us too but she left before we got to take pictures.We went to Shisha Lounge at Mont Kiara and had dinner with shisha (duh). Got to catch some pretty interesting dance moves from the patrons when the Persian dance music came on. Fun bunch of people. I felt more foreign than anything in a restaurant with ONLY Irani's and probably a Malaysian or two lingering around. LOL but it was a good night in any sense :)

Tomorrow will be a pretty intense day. We're heading to a buffet at Shangri La after our morning workout at Heron *dun dun dunnn*. Then we'll probably be off to a movie with some intense Shemshak to eat and stuff ourselves silly on cheat meal day. Thanks for the plan Mahdiar! Weight loss isn't as horrible as it used to be :P

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